Get Involved
You can now support the Giving Kids Hope Foundation without taking one penny out of your pocket! We have partnered with ShopRaise, which gives a portion back to us each time you use the app for your online shopping, with over 1000 stores like Walmart, Home Depot, Belk, Kohl's, Office Depot,, and many more. Promote us by doing these four things:
Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much."
- Helen Keller
Your time and support change lives!
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." Winston Churchill
Here are some items we need:
Personal Aids
Cleaning Supplies
Paper Products
School Supplies
Baby Items
Aging Out
Schedule your consultation by calling our team at (828) 638-7548.
Licensed and Insured
2425 North Center Street #304,
Hickory NC 28601
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